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Friday, February 5, 2010

Be a Language Teacher through "Skype"

I found that many people from all over the world look for a teacher to learn English.

The average rate of the lesson is $10 per hour.
Some countries charge $80 per 40 minutes for a face to face lesson (it's a lot!).

Sometimes, students look for a professional lesson, sometimes they look for a conversational lesson.
Skype is free to all, you just need to have a headset microphone.

Skype site: http://www.skype.com/

Luckily, I found one student who wants conversational lessons once a week.

It's not that much money, but if you have free time, internet access, and a headset microphone, it might be worth a try.

But beware, some people look for a language friend or partner which costs zero to both of you to learn languages, and you exchange the lesson with your partner.
Freelance Jobs