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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Online Survey: Opinion Outpost

This is an online survey.

I joined Opinion Outpost about 3 months ago, and I love it!!

There is no fee to start. All you have to do is provide your opinion.

Here is the link to the site: Opinion Outpost

Whenever they have a survey for which you are qualified, they will send you an invite email. I receive about 3 invite emails per day.

Each survey takes from 15mins to 40mins. Depending on the survey, the points vary. But I receive about 10 points to 40 points each. 10 points are worth $1. After you reach 50 points ($5), you can redeem them in the form of a check.

As they mention on their website, it takes 4 to 8 weeks to receive your check by mail.

Also, if Opinion Outpost feels that you’re not qualified or for any reason they don’t want to pay you, they will let you know immediately so you don’t waste your time.

In order to get more surveys, it is important to complete member profiles. This was the one that took me a long time, and this does not count towards points. After I completed the profile, I started to receive more surveys, so it’s definitely worth doing it.

Some of the surveys are a bit boring, but a lot of them are fun!
I hope that you’ll enjoy them!


  1. I use Opinion Outpost as well! I've earned $43 over a year of using that site. I've got a variety of sites I use to earn money at home, from survey sites to ones where you get paid to click on ads.

    If you want to check out my site, feel free to do so. ^_^

    Also, I like the information on your site! I've been considering starting the New England Crafters thing, as I've been unemployed for over a year, with no apparent end in sight! Are you still completing projects with them?

  2. Thank you for your comment, Sherrie.
    I still work for New England Crafters, and I posted a new comment about them just now.
    Please check that out whenever you can!
    Best of luck to you!! :)


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