*** Sometimes, when you click the link, the ad may come up, but after 5 seconds, you can click "Skip Ad" in the upper right corner, and you can go to the destination. Don't worry :) ***

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Update: freelancer.com

I posted about freelancer.com website before. Please check here to read about this website more(Tuesday May 19, 2009): http://floridalifelilycat.blogspot.com/2009/05/getafreelancercom.html

But, as you can see the title changed from getafreelancer.com to freelancer.com. And, it's more easy to find the perfect match!

freelancer.com website is here.

It's free. In order to bid on a job, you have to register. That's all!

After that, search jobs from the listings. It's very easy to use. When you bid, you want to promote yourself in the private message (PM).

* I posted about bidding before. Please check here (Thursday May 28, 2009): http://floridalifelilycat.blogspot.com/2009/05/to-bid-successfully-on-projects.html.

When you are chosen, freelancer.com asks you to pay $5 to them. You can use their website money transfer system to pay the money. If you were not chosen, you don't have to pay anything. Freelancer.com sends you an email about the details when your bid is chosen.

If you do a good job, you can receive positive feedback from the employer, and more job opportunities may come.

Some of the jobs require skills, but some of the jobs do not; for instance, data entry, captcha entry, craigslist ad posting, etc.

freelancer.com has a lot of jobs, so I think that you'll find the best match for you!

PS: I have NO relationship at all with freelancer.com, other than having sometimes bid on jobs!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Forum Comment Posting Job

Sometimes, you see people leave comments relevant to the subject, but not quite match the subject in this website comments

category. They are either promoting their own website, or promoting other's as third party.

I did this job before as well. I found this job opportunity from freelancer.com.

*** I posted about the freelancer.com website before. Please check here to read about this website more(Tuesday May 19,

2009): http://floridalifelilycat.blogspot.com/2009/05/getafreelancercom.html

Also, I am going to post updates about freelancer.com. Some of the things have changed now: Especially, the price! *** --> Here

I thought that this was easy. I got a job that the compensation was $1 per post. I thought, 'that's not too bad!'. If I post

100 comments on different websites and forums, I'd get paid $100!

But, it is kind of hard! Because, a lot of bloggers do comment moderation, and try to avoid third parties from promoting

other things.

What you have to do is post comments along with html to boost their visiters. Of course, many of the blog hosts do not accept

that, it's comsidered spam. So, what you do is comment relevant to the subject and include html. Maybe, blog hosts will

accept your comments.

I didn't really like this job, though. Because, besides comment moderation, some of the blogs ban the posting of html. In my

website, I didn't care so much before. But, I don't like too many promotion comments. Because, this website was meant to

create and share the good & bad experiences of work at home opportunities, not for the promotion for my business or any

others. So, I felt bad when I had to post other websites as a third party.

Freelancer.com has tons of job opportunities, and some of them are easy , but like this comment job, it could be difficult.
I thought this job was more tricky than craigslist ad posting jobs. So, when you bid, be careful! You don't want to bid too

cheap for this position! (I think $1 per comment is fair.)

Well, I have to moderate comments in this website, too. Of course, comments are always welcome, and I really appreciate those

of who posted their experiences here. Thank you!:)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Update: Angel Pin Creations ***SCAM***

Finally, they have to face up to their deceptive business practices!!!
This company received $832,000 per year by scamming people!

I can't believe that...
I am so sorry for the people scammed by them.

ABC news reported about them as a scammer as well!
ABC news -> http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/ConsumerNews/avoid-employment-schemes/story?id=9983046

Also, I posted about them before in this website (June 13, 2009) : http://floridalifelilycat.blogspot.com/2009/06/angel-pin-creations-big-scam.html.

Thank you for all who posted comments there. I'm sure that a lot of people who thought about working for Angel Pin Creations reconsidered their options.
Angel Pin Creations is closed right now.

You can see the courts ruling through their website as well: http://angelpin.net/index.html

In the ABC website, they give some tips on how to avoid scams: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/ConsumerNews/avoid-employment-schemes/story?id=9983046&page=2

About a year ago, I found Angel Pin Creations through other websites.

I thought that it's legitimate, so I was going to pay the fee and order the kit. But, my husband said that I should search comments regarding this company first. I just wanted to get started as soon as possible (you might know this feeling: I wanted to start quickly, so I can get approved soon and get paid!!).

So, my husband searched the internet about this company and it turned out that this company had A LOT of complaints!

Luckily, I wasn't scammed. So, I think that even though it looks legitimate, or other people say it's legitimate, you have to check it on your own before you get started.

Hopefully, scammers will close their businesses, but it takes long time to gather the complaints, and by the time people realize it, it's too late and the scammers have moved on.

Good luck!! :)

Freelance Jobs