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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Update: Angel Pin Creations ***SCAM***

Finally, they have to face up to their deceptive business practices!!!
This company received $832,000 per year by scamming people!

I can't believe that...
I am so sorry for the people scammed by them.

ABC news reported about them as a scammer as well!
ABC news -> http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/ConsumerNews/avoid-employment-schemes/story?id=9983046

Also, I posted about them before in this website (June 13, 2009) : http://floridalifelilycat.blogspot.com/2009/06/angel-pin-creations-big-scam.html.

Thank you for all who posted comments there. I'm sure that a lot of people who thought about working for Angel Pin Creations reconsidered their options.
Angel Pin Creations is closed right now.

You can see the courts ruling through their website as well: http://angelpin.net/index.html

In the ABC website, they give some tips on how to avoid scams: http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/ConsumerNews/avoid-employment-schemes/story?id=9983046&page=2

About a year ago, I found Angel Pin Creations through other websites.

I thought that it's legitimate, so I was going to pay the fee and order the kit. But, my husband said that I should search comments regarding this company first. I just wanted to get started as soon as possible (you might know this feeling: I wanted to start quickly, so I can get approved soon and get paid!!).

So, my husband searched the internet about this company and it turned out that this company had A LOT of complaints!

Luckily, I wasn't scammed. So, I think that even though it looks legitimate, or other people say it's legitimate, you have to check it on your own before you get started.

Hopefully, scammers will close their businesses, but it takes long time to gather the complaints, and by the time people realize it, it's too late and the scammers have moved on.

Good luck!! :)

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