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Saturday, May 16, 2009

365jobs4u *** A Big SCAM!! ***

As everyone says, "365jobs4u" is a big scam.

I am telling you because I was one of the people that actually tried to work it.
The required fee is very cheap, I paid about $6 to start.(NONREFUNDABLE!!)

You have many choices of work to do such as copy&paste, traditional data entry, grobal data entry, etc.

I chose traditional data entry.

They sent me a bunch of pdfs.
What I needed to do was to type the pdf articles into Word documents.
They said that I had to complete them in a week.

I mentioned a bunch...I forgot how many they were...but it was a lot!!!

Even if you are a really good&fast typist, you need to work your ass off!

So, I started.
I had no time to think about if this company will cheat me for the $6...

I kept doing it for 3 days, and my boyfriend started to doubt about this company.

Because, the article that I was typing had no meaning.
They look like they were taken from many articles and pasted together.

He checked the company out on the internet, and found out that this company is a complete scam.

I just spent time for nothing!

I hope nobody will be scammed by them again.

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