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Monday, May 18, 2009


Genuinejobs.com provides many job listings.

GenuineJobs.com is here.

Almost all of them are for working at home.

They do require different skills, like web design, programming, virtual assistants, that sort of thing.
I have never seen one for data entry, though.

It's free to join.

They also provide a free service that sends you up-to-date job emails.It's kind of annoying to get spam from the companies, but they don't send that many emails. Maybe twice a month...


  1. Thanks for the review. However I'm a bit confused when you say ".It's kind of annoying to get spam from the companies". The only emails we send out is an email announcement visitors subscribe for to get alerted when new jobs are posted. This is an opt in list which means each email that's sent contains an unsubscribe link to conform to spam laws.
    We have never and will never spam anyone as it's not in our business practice.



  2. Thank you for the comment, Chris. I was trying to say that GenuineJobs.com doesn't send spam, and too many up-to-date job emails. Some of the websites send 5 or more up-to-date emails, every day! I ment to say that GenuineJobs.com doesn't send mass up-to-date emails & spam that annoy users like other websites (I used this website & wrote this review over a year ago), and I received up-to-date emails from GenuineJobs.com "maybe twice a month" which I thought better. If it was confusing, I apologize.

    I got a great opportunity from this website, because when I started it, I tried to sound neutral to talk about other sites, so I didn't say if GenuineJobs.com was good or not, but of course, I like that site :)


Freelance Jobs