*** Sometimes, when you click the link, the ad may come up, but after 5 seconds, you can click "Skip Ad" in the upper right corner, and you can go to the destination. Don't worry :) ***

Monday, June 15, 2009

Post Ads on Craigslist & Tips I Found

As I mentioned on previous post(May 23, 2009), Craigslist banned ad posters as a business.
So, they change the system often to prevent ad posters.

I'll tell you about my first ad posting job...

I started to post 20 ads per day at rate of $.50 per a post(manual), which $.50 per post is a really good deal... the average rate is $.10-.20. Rates do vary. It depends on which category you post, how many hours the ad needs to stay on Craigslist, Manual or Automatic, and so on.

My promise to my provider was to make a spreadsheet of ad links and send it to him everyday.
My posts must stay 48 hours and the flagged posts and ghosted posts were unpaid.

At this time, I didn't need a phone verified account to post ads in the sales category. You need phone verified accounts to post to the jobs category, service category, sexual category, and other categories!!

--->Be careful if posting in the sexual category!! It's extremely DIFFICULT!!!! ---> Why? How to post? --->Details are coming soon!

My provider sent me the ads he made, and I copied & pasted them on Craigslist.
However, you cannot simply copy & paste.
Craigslist prevents posting the same ads!!

--->How to post the same ad then??

So, I made $10 per day and I spend only 15 minutes to post all ads every day. Sweet!!

Some providers specifically prefer manual posts and those providers know that it is a bit expensive. But many of them do not care which way you post.

Manual posts are one of my niches, so I negotiated the rate with my provider.

My provider asked me to post more ads.

I started 50 posts at a rate of $.50. (Total earning $25 a day)

That wasn't so hard.

Then, the provider increased posts to 300 ads per day!

At the point, we negotiated about the rate, and decreased to $.45 per post. (Total of $135 per day. This is still a good deal!)
And he provided me Ezadposter which he bought it before and couldn't manage. I will post about Ezadposter soon, so I won't mention it here, but this program is a problem, too!
*** It is posted now! June 15, 2009***
---> Go to Ezadposter

Also, I needed phone verified accounts at this time. If you post too many times, even though you are posting ads in the sales category, you will be required to get an account.

---> Phone Verified Account.

This was a nightmare...

I had to spend all day posting the ads!!
Because, Craigslists deleted a couple of the ads as overposted, and people started to flag my ads!
You can tell the difference if the ads are flagged by Craigslist or normal people.


You know attractive ads and unattractive ads.
People disregard ads posted many times.

I do. I don't flag them, but don't read them.

It started to do my ads. I got less responses, and my provider, of course, was unsatisfied with that.
So, we decided to reduce the ads to 60. ($27 per day)

Craigslist keeps updating the system, so I suggested starting with a few postings per day.
You might want to know about IP address, too.

--->What is IP address?

But, don't stop doing ad posting when you meet these difficulties.
Hang on to the posting job!
You will get some technique where you can manage these!!
I was very new when I started.
You might work all day for free like I did to know about the Craigslist system.

But still, it's extra money!

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Freelance Jobs