*** Sometimes, when you click the link, the ad may come up, but after 5 seconds, you can click "Skip Ad" in the upper right corner, and you can go to the destination. Don't worry :) ***

Monday, June 29, 2009

Phone Verified Account

As you'll notice, you will need phone verified accounts to post massive amounts of ads and for some categories.

How and where you purchase them, then?
You can buy them on the internet.
They sell accounts.

As an example, see this site. ---> http://www.phoneverifiedaccounts.net/ ( I never bought accounts from this site!! I just posted this site as an example! )

It's kind of expensive. One account sells for $6 on this site. 10 accounts for $50!!
If you are an ad poster, you don't wanna do that...
I posted about GetAFreelancer before. ---> https://www.getafreelancer.com/
You can purchase accounts much cheaper here.
As a buyer you can post the ad there and people will bid on you. ( You can try it for free one time! )
* Before you decide to send money to the provider, please make sure that the accounts are active, because, some people are scamming and selling used accounts, inactive accounts, etc.

When you post the ad on GetAFreelancer, make sure you put "Western phone accounts only!" You don't wanna buy phone #s from overseas :)

It is wrong not to pay for the accounts, but it is fine to make sure everything is okay before you send the money.
Whenever I do jobs through the Internet, I make deals with providers so that we won't waste our time in some kind of disagreement.
Everyone knows that.
If someone says to pay first, or pay immediately, you really wanna make sure that everything is fine.

I was scammed a lot on providers like those!!
You might be scammed even if you take extra care, so just start with a small amount of money.

Many people at GetAFreelancer are buying 100s of accounts at once.
You can do that, but please be careful.
Like I did, you can find real providers.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Ezadposter is a program to post ads on Craigslist automatically.
I used it a couple times.
Yes, it is easy. I admit that, however, Craigslist is not that easy. They change the system often so that they can prevent third parties from posting ads.

Although you really don't need an ad posting program, at some point, when you start to post a lot of ads, like 300 ads per day, you'll realize that it's impossible to manage posting by hand.

Ezadposter automatically posts ads for you.

I used Ezadposter deluxe.

First, set up your account information. You put your CL account in Ezadposter and some other things like categories. It's very simple and easy.

Second, you need content. Maybe, your provider will give you the content or you can make it on your own.
Whichever it is, you simply copy and paste entire ads in it.

Third, just click "start publishing" ( I forgot what it says. Because, I no longer use it. )

They start publishing ads; however, they can't automatically enter the capcha, unless you want to pay extra.

That's it!

If they successfully publish it, they will say success or something or other with a green color. But, if they failed, they will say fail or something with red... ( Sorry, I really forgot. )

If they failed, you just run the ads again.
It took me about 30 minutes to post 100 ads. But, the time for you may vary.
Because, I was posting ads so many times before that, my ads failed many times!
As long as you work as an ad poster, it would be difficult.

No worries!! There are many ways to deal with those difficulties!

Now, I wanna warn you about purchasing these kind of programs.
First go to the Ezadposter website. You can download an Ezadposter trial for free.
I believe that I could use it for a month or so...
Ezadposter is pretty expensive, so just trying the free program first would be good.

Plus, because CL keeps changing their system, one Ezadposter version won't last long.
I mean, my boss offered me Ezadposter (which he bought before but couldn't manage), and it didn't work for me anymore.

CL was able to identify his Ezadposter already so it blocked me out.
He said, he purchased it about 3 years ago It was the full version!
So, if you are thinking about purchasing Ezadposter, buy the most current one.
Be careful. I think there are many scammers trying to sell the old version, too.
Like I did, you might choose to go back to manual posting.

You have to be in front of the PC to type the capcha.

Ezadposter fails a lot, sometimes, so you might have to run it 5 or 6 times or more to post the ads successfully.
If you think positively, you can read a book while posting and simply type the capcha and get paid, it might sound good to you so check it out...

I don't want to say it's bad or good, because Ezadposter helped me a lot when I used the free trial :)

Post Ads on Craigslist & Tips I Found

As I mentioned on previous post(May 23, 2009), Craigslist banned ad posters as a business.
So, they change the system often to prevent ad posters.

I'll tell you about my first ad posting job...

I started to post 20 ads per day at rate of $.50 per a post(manual), which $.50 per post is a really good deal... the average rate is $.10-.20. Rates do vary. It depends on which category you post, how many hours the ad needs to stay on Craigslist, Manual or Automatic, and so on.

My promise to my provider was to make a spreadsheet of ad links and send it to him everyday.
My posts must stay 48 hours and the flagged posts and ghosted posts were unpaid.

At this time, I didn't need a phone verified account to post ads in the sales category. You need phone verified accounts to post to the jobs category, service category, sexual category, and other categories!!

--->Be careful if posting in the sexual category!! It's extremely DIFFICULT!!!! ---> Why? How to post? --->Details are coming soon!

My provider sent me the ads he made, and I copied & pasted them on Craigslist.
However, you cannot simply copy & paste.
Craigslist prevents posting the same ads!!

--->How to post the same ad then??

So, I made $10 per day and I spend only 15 minutes to post all ads every day. Sweet!!

Some providers specifically prefer manual posts and those providers know that it is a bit expensive. But many of them do not care which way you post.

Manual posts are one of my niches, so I negotiated the rate with my provider.

My provider asked me to post more ads.

I started 50 posts at a rate of $.50. (Total earning $25 a day)

That wasn't so hard.

Then, the provider increased posts to 300 ads per day!

At the point, we negotiated about the rate, and decreased to $.45 per post. (Total of $135 per day. This is still a good deal!)
And he provided me Ezadposter which he bought it before and couldn't manage. I will post about Ezadposter soon, so I won't mention it here, but this program is a problem, too!
*** It is posted now! June 15, 2009***
---> Go to Ezadposter

Also, I needed phone verified accounts at this time. If you post too many times, even though you are posting ads in the sales category, you will be required to get an account.

---> Phone Verified Account.

This was a nightmare...

I had to spend all day posting the ads!!
Because, Craigslists deleted a couple of the ads as overposted, and people started to flag my ads!
You can tell the difference if the ads are flagged by Craigslist or normal people.


You know attractive ads and unattractive ads.
People disregard ads posted many times.

I do. I don't flag them, but don't read them.

It started to do my ads. I got less responses, and my provider, of course, was unsatisfied with that.
So, we decided to reduce the ads to 60. ($27 per day)

Craigslist keeps updating the system, so I suggested starting with a few postings per day.
You might want to know about IP address, too.

--->What is IP address?

But, don't stop doing ad posting when you meet these difficulties.
Hang on to the posting job!
You will get some technique where you can manage these!!
I was very new when I started.
You might work all day for free like I did to know about the Craigslist system.

But still, it's extra money!

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Process at Home Review

Please stay away from this site!!

Process at Home Review : http://www.reviewopedia.com/process-at-home.htm

I made a BIG mistake right now...

I was reviewing past posts and thought to add more content for the Process at Home post.

While I was searching about this company, I found Process at Home Review.

This site asks you to fill in a blank (name & email address), and they send you the details.

As soon as I received the email, I realized that I made a same mistake that I did one year ago!!!

I'm sure that this site sells my email address... That is what happened to my old email account.

Every day I received bunch of spam!!!

I wanna warn you to stay away...

Angel Pin Creations *** A BIG SCAM ***

This company is a big scam!!

I've never heard of someone actually working for them, but only scammed by them.

The site they have is really cute.
Angel Pin Creations : http://angelpin.net/index.html ←Do not trust them!!!This company is a big scam!!

They require a starter kit fee, and they say they have a "money refund guarantee" once the assembler is approved.
However, none of the assemblers are approved!

The company sends cheap materials, so you can not make what they are asking you to.
Then, you realize that you want to get your money back, but none of the company workers answer the phone, or they just give some excuse.

Even if you are approved, which I really doubt, you also need to pay more money to start!!

Here are other people's comments about Angel Pin Creations from Rip-Off Report...http://www.ripoffreport.com/searchresults.asp?q1=ALL&q5=angel+pin+creations&q4=&q6=&q3=&q2=&q7=&searchtype=0&submit2=Search%21

I didn't try this company because of all these warnings by people who were scammed by Angel Pin Creations.
You can see how much money they lost!!!

As I posted before, please check RipOff Report before you start getting into some companies!!!

*From the beginning, I doubted this company's legitimacy and thought it was a scam because they said the workers can not come and see the company even though they may be in the area. (Because, there ISN'T a company!)

Please check the update also: http://floridalifelilycat.blogspot.com/2010/03/update-angel-pin-creations-scam.html

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

About Magical Gift Company...

When you see Magical Gift Company's site, you might be excited thinking about how much you can earn per shippment.

It depends on which products you will choose, but it is not that easy...

Once, you are approved, you still need to be focused on high quality work.

They will reject the ones that the company thinks are low quality.

As you make approved products, and create high quality pieces, the amount of pieces that you can send in will be increased.
I started to work about a year ago, and for one type of product, I made a total of $230 so far.Yes, I earned $230 in a year on one product.

They pay per piece. ($1)
Some of you might say, this is a labor job.

Well... It might be.

But, it is still a legitimate work at home job, and you can make a little extra money.
Once, you can handle many products & make many pieces, this company can be a larger income source, though!!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Magical Gift Company (Crafting Work at Home)

I actually work for these people:
New England Crafters & Magical Gift Company
So, I know that this company is legitimate.
I like crafting, but the products they have are so difficult!!!

It took me to be 4 months to be approved for one product!!!Some people took more than 6 months!

Also, there is a starter fee...Yes, this made me worry at first.
Like other scams, I thought they'd take money and run away...

But, the starter fee ($49.95) is going to refund after you start working them and make 250 pieces.
And even though you bought this starter kit, you still need to buy some little things yourself; for example, glue gun, needle, thread, pens, etc. The only things you can buy that are pre-approved for reimbursement are paint and shipping costs.
(They clearly state this agreement in the policy.)
Some people might think Magical Gift Company is a scam because of this even though NEC strongly suggests that you read their policy.

The good thing is they never say quit because you haven't been approved.

It's an unlimited starter kit, also.
Some crafting companies require more fees after you use all the material!!!

The products are very cute, too!
And, the people who work for this company are very kind & helpful.
You can call them anytime and they will help you to improve your products and how to get approved.

They've also got 31 products!!
The products involve sewing, hand sewing, but also, they have non-sewing projects, too.

It is good for moms looking for a work at home job.

Monday, June 8, 2009

National Magazine Exchange

Home based telesales.

One of my friends works at home through this company.

National Magazine Exchange Home Agent Site is here.

If you don't mind talking to people over the phone and selling magazines, this job might be good for you.
However, you need to live in Florida, so this is only for Floridians...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Real Estate Road to Success

This site is not for a work at home job.

But, I thought this guy is doing a good job.
He is studying real estate, and trying to get a license right now.


I know that the a real estate job is difficult in this economy, but as the economy comes back, this job will be good to have I believe...

And, he found a good & cheap on-line school for real estate agents in Florida.
This college is about $100!
If you are interested, you can make a comment or send him an email.
I think he will be glad to answer any questions.
(I sent him an email before, and he helped me to find a cheap & good college...)

While you are working at home, it might be good to have some skills...
I am, myself, going back to college, too while doing ad posting job & home craft jobs.

Of course, its a free site with study guides and lot's of info about how to get your real estate license and the north pinellas and pasco county real estate markets.

I will post about crafting job at home next time!!

Friday, June 5, 2009


This is another translation site.

Day Translations, Inc. is here.

You just need to submit your information to them and they list your name to the companies that are looking for translators.

If they like your job experience or whatever, they directly send you email about jobs they have. For example, they want to know your houly or page rate and turnaround time.

But, I got first respond about 6 months after I submitted my job info. I guess this site is not the kind of job that you can start right away.
So, you send them your rate, date, etc.
If they like it they will contact you.

Don't worry if you are not fluent in another language.
Of course, you need good knowlege and skill for the other language, but sometimes, I can tell that they are NOT fluent in the second language but they still have jobs!!

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Work at Home Lists on Craigslist

Sadly, I found that many of the job posts on Craigslist for telecommuting are scams.

Some of them posted completely different titles as their work; for example, Need Bookkeeper ASAP!!

I sent one of them an email.
But, the guy said that this position is unfortunately taken; HOWEVER, he said he has another position available for me. And asked me to do their survey(?) and send him the fee to start working.

I was very glad that I didn't send him my resume.

Even if it looks like it's true, don't send your resume at first!
Don't give them any important information!

Many of them are just fishing for your information so they can spam you or sell your information to marketing companies or telemarket you.

Freelance Jobs